Tuesday, April 21, 2009

19 Weeks

It's a heirloom tomato this week and there really isn't anything important to report about with the pregnancy. The sonogram is scheduled for next Thursday and I am debated taking a look at the baby's plumbing. We didn't find out with our first in part to my fear of being loaded down with clothes and not getting the really important stuff like bottles, butt thermometers, and other necessities. Now that I have all that stuff and am not freaked out by not knowing how to operate as a parent I feel less inclined to wait.

My intuition is that I'm having a girl. First, Brian is very good at willing what he wants. An hour after I found out I was pregnant the first time he immediately indicated that it was a boy. Second, the last time I was at the doctor the baby bicycle kicked the doppler... and it hurt. The kicking started in my 16th week. With all this abuse, it must be a girl. Third, the Chinese Gender Calendar thingee says it is. I just have to check one more person who has never been wrong at guessing... or I can just peek when I go to my doctor's visit next week.

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